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Alexandra Kolansky



Graphic designer, Art director and illustrator based in TLV.



My name is Alexandra Claude Frances Kolansky, and my mission is to save the world with my design, pixel by pixel! Don’t worry though – I go simply by Alex, because I’m a cool millennial. I am 29 years old and I live in Tel-Aviv with my little puppy Billy and her evil step-sister Nancy, the cat.


My professional development started with a BA in Art at the Avni Instiution of Arts and Design, Tel-Aviv. Afterwards, I realized how fascinated I’ve become with design, fashion, commercials – well, anything that has to do with visual content – and went on to graduate (with honors!! yay) with a diploma in Art Direction from the ACC Tirza Granot institute.


While still studying, I'd started working as an art director for Shimoni FCB ad agency. I've learned a lot about advertising whilst working there and even won a a competition: dag zahav young lions (woohoo). I then became a graphic designer and art director for Brikman ad agency, where I was working on both print- and digital-related projects (BTL, banners, social media, and all that jazz…). 


I've recently decided to become a freelance graphic designer, art director and illustrator. Saving the world proved to be slightly more complicated than I thought – but you bet yourself I’m here to help your business grow.


I am here to make sure that your customers are communicated with that refined and accurate message you’ve crafted, that your users get the smooth, wholesome and efficient experience they deserve, and that your presence in the cold hard world out there is always attractive, memorable and effective. Hey, not all heroes wear capes! Hit me up and let’s save the world, or just elevate your business. No spandex suit necessary.


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